Create a new Vue.js component to handle the chat functionality

Create in detail a new Vue.js component to handle the chat functionality. This component should handle the following tasks:

  • Display a list of messages in the chat room
  • Allow users to enter new messages and send them to the Firebase Firestore database
  • Listen for updates to the Firebase Firestore database and update the list of messages in real-time

Here is an example of a Vue.js component that handles the chat functionality:

    <div v-for="message in messages" :key="">
      <p>{{ message.sender }}: {{ message.message }}</p>
    <form @submit.prevent="submitMessage">
      <input v-model="newMessage" placeholder="Enter your message">
      <button type="submit">Send</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      messages: [],
      newMessage: ""
  methods: {
    submitMessage() {
        sender: "User1",
        message: this.newMessage,
        timestamp: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
      this.newMessage = "";
  created() {
    this.db = firebase.firestore();
      .orderBy("timestamp", "asc")
      .onSnapshot(snapshot => {
        this.messages = [];
        snapshot.forEach(doc => {

The above component does the following:

  1. Display a list of messages in the chat room: The component uses a v-for directive to loop through the messages data property and display each message in a p tag.
  2. Allow users to enter new messages and send them to the Firebase Firestore database: The component has an input field bound to the newMessage data property and a submit button that triggers the submitMessage method when clicked. This method adds a new document to the Firestore collection with the sender, message, and timestamp fields.
  3. Listen for updates to the Firebase Firestore database and update the list of messages in real-time: The component uses the onSnapshot method to listen for changes to the Firestore collection and updates the messages data property accordingly. This is done by creating an empty array and then pushing new messages to the array, ensuring that the messages are displayed in the correct order (ascending by timestamp)

Note: In the above example, the sender is hardcoded to “User1”, but you can use Vuex or other state management libraries to manage the current user and send the user name as the sender value.

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